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Greenest train in the nation
Brightline West is building modern, eco-friendly high-speed rail between Las Vegas and Southern California. Its environmental benefits will be significant.
Supporting State Climate Plans: Nevada and California have goals to reduce climate impacts, with strategies to minimize the contributors to greenhouse gases. Transportation alternatives are key in both states for reducing emissions and building climate resilience. The system supports Nevada and California’s climate strategies by promoting a no-emission mobility option that lowers greenhouse gases by more than 325,000 tons of CO2 each year. The diversion of people from auto and air travel to Brightline West’s high-speed rail system reduces vehicle miles traveled by more than 517 million each year and the equivalent of 16,000 short haul flights annually.
Zero Emission Trainsets: Brightline West’s fully electric, emission-free trains will be powered by one of the greenest power providers in the U.S., with a majority of power coming from emission-free sources today and plans to pursue programs that will guarantee 100% emission-free power by or before 2045.
Protecting Wildlife: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and Brightline West have entered into an agreement to design and construct three wildlife overcrossings across Interstate 15 (I-15) and the future Brightline West high-speed rail system. These dedicated overcrossings will provide a sustainable and safe path for wildlife – especially for bighorn sheep – over the existing northbound and southbound highway lanes and the future high-speed rail system to be built within the median. During construction, Brightline West will also modernize and improve more than 600 existing culverts and large-scale crossings under the I-15 highway.